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We offer a wide variety of groups at Rainbow Heights Club.

Interested in a new group? Make a suggestion during our weekly Community Meeting!

Who Are We

List of current and past groups & activities:

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Group & Harm Reduction -  These groups provides a safe space for club members who want to remain abstinent from drugs and alcohol, or trying to scale back from compulsive self-destructive behaviors. We share our experiences, strengths and hopes related to addiction, so members can identify with mutual feelings and receive support for channeling those feelings in healthy, safe ways. We offer suggestions to help members accomplish their individual goals. This forum is structured with group agreements.

Budget and Money Management - Learn how to get control of your finances, plan for your goals, and make decisions about what's really important to you.

Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) meets once a month. It is a forum to deal with more in-depth club issues and report to management about the club is working (or not working!) for you.

Creative Art Lab - A creative art workshop where you can draw, paint, sculpt and explore.

During Community Meetings, we come together weekly to make our club better. It is our weekly forum to be together, celebrate our accomplishments, inform one another about upcoming events, and respond to the challenges and opportunities that arise in our community. Please join the discussion and let you voice be heard.

Fun Committee: At Fun Committee, we plan fabulous recreational activities for the club, including parties, events, and an annual talent show. Come join the FUN!

Game Night: Prizes! Tournaments! Friends! We come together to play Bingo, pool, Spades and other card games. Are you skilled enough to win the tournament? Join us for some serious fun!

Gender Explorers: This group is for those who identify as trans, gender non-conforming, or questioning. Past topics include: coming out to our providers as trans, navigating mental health resources as gender non-conforming people, dating and relationship issues, as well as self-acceptance and aging in our genders.

Guest Speaker Workshops: Join us to hear guest speakers from a variety of partner organizations from around the city let us know about resources and services that can help improve our lives.

Life Skills Discussion: This forum helps members be mindful of their mental health and wellness. We discuss daily self-maintenance and being proactive around our mental health in order to avoid negative mental health episodes. The group is also a chance to empower ourselves by developing a Wellness and Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), a self-care document we prepare prior to a critical mental health crisis to inform our loved one and care providers about our wishes in the event of a crisis.

Movie Night: The Movie Night Group brings club members together for movie viewing, discussion, and socialization. We watch a wide variety of genres, with a focus on LGBT-affirming films. We’ll bring the popcorn! Movie suggestions welcome!

Relationships - Talk about how to nurture healthy relationships, recognize unhealthy patterns, or just enjoy being happy by yourself. All kinds of relationships are important - let's support each other and learn from each other.

Self-Acceptance - Recovery and well-being begin with the power of accepting yourself just as you are. But sometimes this can feel like the hardest thing in the world. Director of Peer Services Randy Killings will guide and inspire us to build our self-acceptance and self-esteem.

Sexuality Group - A safe place to talk about what we desire, what we hope for, what scares us, and what we need. Learn how to make healthy decisions, stay safe, and have good boundaries.

Solutions Group – Gain insight and devise a plan for meeting life’s challenges.

The Rainbow Moonlight Karaoke Lounge: Friday at The Lounge is an expressive outlet where we break into song in a relaxed, fun, and nonjudgmental environment. Let your heart sing with us!

Thoughts & Feelings: A connection exists between our thoughts and feelings and the behaviors, impulses, and emotions that can lead to positive outcomes OR problems for ourselves and others. Join us to talk about this connection and how we can make great choices.

Too Much Group - Are you in control of your habits, or are your habits in control of you? Whatever you think you do too much of, whether it's drugs, alcohol, sex, spending money, hurting your body, or pushing the people around you away, we can talk about it and get a better understanding of how to keep moving forward in recovery. No judgment, just strength, hope and partnership.

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