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Free LGBTQ Cultural Competency Trainings for Behavioral Healthcare Providers and Consumers in NYC

Though LGBTQ people make up over 5% of the population, their needs are often misunderstood or left unmet. E/Quality Care Trainings can help your agency or nonprofit meet these needs by sharing ways to create affirming environments for LGBTQ clients. 


Welcoming LGBTQ people into recovery.

  • Basic terminology, concepts, issues, and the challenges that LGBTQ people often face

  • The importance of LGBTQ affirming services

  • The difference between sex assigned at birth, gender identity and sexual orientation

  • Simple things providers can say and do to be affirming, and to have open, supportive conversations about sexuality and relationships with all their clients

  • How we can ensure the skills and experience that providers already have can be extended
    to meet the needs of all people

Transgender 101

Creating a safe and affirming environment.

  • Providers will learn concrete ways to affirm, support and work with people who identify as transgender or gender nonconforming, and gain awareness of mental health concerns that disproportionately impact this community due to stigma and marginalization

  • Participants in this training will gain familiarity with concepts and vocabulary related to trans identities and experiences

  • Participants will learn questions that are appropriate and helpful to ask during the intake process

  • Participants will also obtain a clear understanding of the birth certificate gender marker update process as it currently functions both in New York City and statewide

  • This training is intended for audiences who have already received basic LGBTQ cultural competence training

Consumer Presentations

Facilitating dialogue with your clients.

  • Rainbow Heights Staff present on-site to your clients about respecting each other's identities 

  • Participants in this training will gain familiarity with basic terminology

  • Participants will engage in thoughtful discussion around creating spaces that support everyone's recovery 

Interested in a training?
Fill out the form below and our team will get back to you. 

Thanks for submitting!

Questions? Contact Grace Gerber, Director of Community Engagement

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